About us

Scandirom is a Romanian company founded in 1993 to generate and develop business relashionships between Romanian and foreign companies, especially from Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Finland, England, France etc.
In Romania we represent some of the most important suppliers of raw materials and equipment for the chocolate, sweets, ice cream, dairy and pastry industry.
Our customers are the main producers of chocolate, sweets, pastry, ice cream, dairy products, etc.
For us, "growing together" are not just empty words.
We are together with our clients right from the beginning. With information from other markets, with specific recipes, test samples, and technologists from our partner companies that come to the trials.
We are together attending courses, seminars and workshops offered by our partners, most of the time, free of charge, at the Swedish, Danish, Belgian, Dutch or your headquarters.
We are here for growing together!